I have co-authored journal publications in ACM Transactions on Graphics (as part of SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia), Optics Express, and Computer Graphics Forum.
For more details, please visit my profile at Google Scholar.
SkyGAN: Realistic Cloud Imagery for Image‐based Lighting
- Journal publication in Computer Graphics Forum
- M Mirbauer, T Rittig, T Iser, J Křivánek, E Šikudová
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)
Affordable method for measuring fluorescence using Gaussian distributions and bounded MESE
- Journal publication in Optics Express
- T Iser, L Lachiver, A Wilkie
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)
Automatic inference of a anatomically meaningful solid wood texture from a single photograph
- Preprint in arXiv
- TK Nindel, M Hafidi, T Iser, A Wilkie
- arXiv (DOI)
Affordable Spectral Measurements of Translucent Materials
- Journal publication in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
- Presented as part of SIGGRAPH Asia 2022
- T Iser, T Rittig, E Nogué, TK Nindel, A Wilkie
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)
SkyGAN: Towards realistic cloud imagery for image based lighting
- Presented as part of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
- M Mirbauer, T Rittig, T Iser, J Krivánek, E Šikudová
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)
A gradient-based framework for 3D print appearance optimization
- Journal publication in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
- Presented as part of SIGGRAPH 2021
- TK Nindel, T Iser, T Rittig, A Wilkie, J Křivánek
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)
A fitted radiance and attenuation model for realistic atmospheres
- Journal publication in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
- Presented as part of SIGGRAPH 2021
- A Wilkie, P Vévoda, T Bashford-Rogers, L Hošek, T Iser, M Kolářová, T Rittig, J Křivánek
- Project page, Publisher’s page (DOI)